Car Voice Recognition Fail [Video]
I’ve used an Audi before and never had that kind of problem with the voice recognition feature, so the issue is probably related to the guy’s accent. Still a funny video though. [Markus Johansen | Via]
I’ve used an Audi before and never had that kind of problem with the voice recognition feature, so the issue is probably related to the guy’s accent. Still a funny video though. [Markus Johansen | Via]
From the PBS Idea Channel: Old meme is old. But why is this such a bad thing? Once the height of internetiness, the sight of a LOLCat now is unforgivable. Memes become passรฉ crazy fast: after just months or even WEEKS of a new meme, we tire of the once hugely popular. Why does this […]
Warning: This will get your heart racing on more than a few occasions. [Uniformedia]
When fans are ready to explore the wide world of advanced building, they usually look to iconic buildings for inspiration. They are highly recognizable and often a challenge to recreate. It all comes down to detail. You can make an enormous building with tons of detail or small models that simulate the major features of […]
The 7 Most Annoying People To Watch TV With by Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
After illustrating the International Sounds of Sneezing, James Chapman is back with The International Sounds of Eating and Drinking. [Source: Pictures by James Chapman]
Wow, that fan-made Nightwing web series looks beyond awesome. I know the teaser is really short, but if the full series is as top notch as this trailer, we’re all in for a heck of a treat! Synopsis: “Nightwing: The Series” centers around Batman’s first sidekick, Dick Grayson aka Robin. After a falling out with […]
From The King of Random: It’s mind-blowing to think this stuff is in our food! Here’s how to make a glowing “magical mud” from ordinary potatoes. WARNING: This substance can make quite a mess, so make it in an area that will be easy to clean up. It’s non-toxic, and perfectly ok to eat in […]
Yep. That adds up perfectly! [Source: Dinosaur Comics | Via]
Being a teenager is hard. Especially when hormones play their part in wreaking havoc on the teenage body and brain. In this episode, Hank explains what is happening to the during the angsty-time. [SciShow]