Behold! The Mythical Dogicorn! [Pic]
Two of my favorite animals…combined! But my Mackenzie will have none of the dress up. “Thanks, Mommy! This was delicious!” [via Geekologie]
Two of my favorite animals…combined! But my Mackenzie will have none of the dress up. “Thanks, Mommy! This was delicious!” [via Geekologie]
Never watched the Game of Thrones TV series and want to hop in when season 4 starts? Here a quick recap of the three first seasons in just 9 minutes! [TheFineBros]
Before “The Winter Soldier” hits theaters, revisit the first Captain America movie…which was really just a feature-length set-up for “The Avengers.” [Screen Junkies]
Game of Thrones meets House of Cards in Frank Underwood’s new hit “House of Thrones.” Who lives? Who dies? You got to watch this toasty video to find out! [QuiznosToaster]
Hugh Jackman (31 Years Old) in X-Men (2000) vs. Hugh Jackman (44 Years Old) in The Wolverine (2013). [Reddit | Dorkly]
Kim Novak’s appearance at the Oscars wearing no make up has led to a craze that’s raised more than $12 million for a cancer charity — and caused some confusion with polar bears. Novak’s appearance sparked some media criticism from folk who seemed confused that an 81-year-old without makeup looked different to how she once […]
Watch as Japanese band World Order performs what it is best known for in their new music video: a fun choreographed robotic dance routine. [World Order | Via LS]
Artist Peter Kokis from Brooklyn Robotworks just sent me a few pictures on his awesome self-made Alien Xenomorph costume which he calls The “Brooklyn Alien“… because in Brooklyn, no one can hear you scream. He’s built from ordinary and readily-available items, nothing special, including knife sharpeners, toilet plungers, drain mats and conduit tubing. Unlike my […]
Yep, it’s true, and here’s the spot they’re all flocking to! [The Onion | Via]
French artist Kasami-Sensei woke up one day and wondered what Disney characters would look like in the world of The Walking Dead. He then decided to put his idea on paper, and this is the very awesome result. If you’re reading this from the front page, be sure to hit the “Read More” link below […]