MEDICAL MARVEL: 3D-Printed Skull Saves Woman’s Life [Pic + Video]

Doctors in the Netherlands at University Medical Center Utrecht say they have successfully implanted a 3D-printed skull into a young woman. The 23-hour surgery occurred three months ago, according to NBC News, but details are just being released, as the woman, 22, is recovering extremely well. While her name has not been released, she apparently […]

The ultimate geek collectable card game: โ€œTriptych! Anything vs. Everythingโ€

When we say โ€œultimate,โ€ we mean it in the way that itโ€™s a card game where itโ€™s not a singular theme of fantasy or science fiction or anime, but rather as the name suggests, itโ€™s a mix of anything and everything. This is the game where all the favorite schoolyard debates can be played out […]

MUST WATCH Short Sci-Fi Film – Deux Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third installment in the Deus Ex video game series. Dcode Films founder Moe Charif created — and starred in — a short film that focuses on the relationship between Deus Ex characters Adam Jensen and Megan Reed. Editor’s note: This is the best short sci-fi movie based on a […]

‘Frozen’ Poised to Become Highest-Grossing Animated Feature Ever

Not surprisingly, the Oscar-winning Disney film has currently nabbed the 13th spot on the list of the highest-grossing movies of all time, according to The Huffington Post. This means it beats Jurassic Park and Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace and with a current international gross of $1.032 billion (& counting), it’s only $31 […]