Ken is a Blonde, Headbandless, Red Ryu [Video]
He also looks like Meg Ryan. See Ryu’s episode right here: Street Fighter Red Tape: Ryu. [Pete Holmes | Via LS]
He also looks like Meg Ryan. See Ryu’s episode right here: Street Fighter Red Tape: Ryu. [Pete Holmes | Via LS]
Talk Nerdy to Me: A parody of Jason Derulo’s “Talk Dirty” by my friends Chad and Angie from the Screen Team! [Screen Team]
The Margherita Pizza was one of the first two “official” pizza to be invented and is my personal favorite pizza of all time. The best I ever had was near Boston in an Italian restaurant that used to be an old bank, but I can’t remember the name of the place. I know there was […]
Seriously…the English language is insane. Here’s why. [ASAPThought]
From Junior Jesman: I am an animator based in the UK and I would like to share this little short film my friends and I created as a tribute to our favourite video-game (street fighter) and TV show (Breaking Bad). I hope you like it! [Junior Jesman]
I can’t explain in great detail what is happening here, but it seems that the people performing the experiment are dropping the pressure inside the glass, causing the boiling and freezing points to come closer together. This phenomenon is called the “Triple Point.” In thermodynamics, the triple point of a substance is the temperature and […]
Warning: LOUD. I don’t exactly know what special properties the Nutella adds to the mix, but who cares, the video is all about the guy in front of the camera, specially at the end of the video. [milleaccendini]
This has to be the best Umbreon cosplay of all time… and the dog wearing the costume is a total saint. [Source: Leafeon-ex on Deviantart | Via]
Yes, I know, it’s April 1st, but this is the real deal! HALF-LIFE 4 is coming out soon! [Dorkly]
Michael Dorn, Mr. Worf himself, introduces the latest in Rosetta Stone’s language learning programs – Klingon! Klingon may be a difficult language for humans to wrap their smooth heads around, but now Rosetta Stone has made it even easier to avoid the constant threat of saying the wrong thing and accidentally landing in a battle […]