10 Cool Facts About Captain America
He’s brave, strong, and ridiculously patriotic, we enter the world of everyone’s favorite Avenger, Captain America with these 10 rather cool facts. [AllTime10s]
He’s brave, strong, and ridiculously patriotic, we enter the world of everyone’s favorite Avenger, Captain America with these 10 rather cool facts. [AllTime10s]
A new traffic sign in รrje, a small Norwegian village near the Swedish border, encourages residents to walk silly. Unfortunately, the municipality asked the sign to be removed. Oh the Sadness. If you’ve never seen the Monty Python sketch, be sure to check it out: [NRK | Via LS]
Set in a futuristic world that is run by the mob, street gangs, drug addicts and corrupted cops, Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman living in Taipei, Taiwan, 2069 AD, works as a drug mule for the mob. The drug she inadvertently takes goes into her system, changing her into a metahuman. She can absorb knowledge […]
I know this is an ad, but it was just too cute not to share. [EvianBabies]
Warning: Language. Binge TV watching is an epidemic affecting millions of people each and every day. No one is immune to shows like Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica, and many more. By watching this PSA, you’ll be arming your mind against the dangers of binge watching. [Nacho Punch]
Two neuroscience experts say there’s a simple reason we often miss continuity bloopers in TV and movies: our brains automatically correct minor inconsistencies in what we see over time. Jason Fisher of MIT and David Whitney of the University of California, Berkeley discuss the topic in the latest edition of Nature Neuroscience. The pair were […]
Winter Is Coming. All men must die. Makes us wonder, who will survive Season 4 of Game of Thrones?! NO SPOILERS! (If you’ve read the books, you already know the answer!) [AVByte | George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones 5-Book Boxed Set – $26.16]
A new hilarious video in Ze Frank’s “True Facts” series, this time featuring the Octopus. [Ze Frank]
Here’s the perfect toaster for you if you like your toasts to be a little on the dark side. AH! See what I did there? That was too easy. The Darth Vader helmet toaster is expected to be released in September 2014 for about $50. [Via CNet]
Whether we’re talking about red lines drawn with green ink or technology, this pretty much sums up the life of an “expert” when it comes to explaining concepts to the uninitiated in a business meeting. I’ve worked 15 years as a sysadmin and I’ve ran into this kind of situation way too often for my […]