Introducing the NERF NUKE: The Pinnacle of NERF Weaponry [Pics + Video]

This was an April Fools’ joke from Thinkgeek, but it’s clearly a product that needs to exist. From Thinkgeek: The NERF Nuke is quite simply the pinnacle of NERF weaponry. Load it with 80 NERF darts and crank the arming mechanism (which is also the trigger button, so be careful). To conserve space, the NERF […]

SUPER PRESS START: A Compilation of EVERY SINGLE Super Nintendo Start Screen Ever [Video]

From NicksplosionFX: This is a collection of EVERY SINGLE Super Nintendo start screen in alphabetical order!!! If you think you had what it takes to sit through the entire 3 hour compilation of NES start screens then you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. At over 9 HOURS long this is truly a SUPERIOR ACT OF NERDERY!!! […]