Contra’s Jungle Theme Done Multi-Track A Cappella
An original a cappella arrangement of the Jungle Theme from Contra by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
An original a cappella arrangement of the Jungle Theme from Contra by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
Tabletop, which airs on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, needs your help to fund season 3! They are asking for $500,000 on indiegogo and as of this writing, over $439,000 has been raised — and they still have until May 10! YouTube is ending its “Original Channel Initiative,” which was how Geek & Sundry […]
Season 4 is already over, so let us help you relive your favorite scenes — or, at least the ones that would have been your favorites if they’d be real. [CH]
We’ve featured our fair share of totally ridiculous monster movies, so here’s another one: Poseidon Rex. Yep, it’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex that kills… underwater! If you love Sharknado or Sharktopus: watch now. [IGN | Via IO9]
This is hands down the absolute best Annie and Tibbers cosplay I have EVER seen. Wow. Just wow. [Model and Costumes: Titanesque Cosplay | Photography: Aperture Ashley]
Here’s a real-life feline version of Super Mario… because on the Internet, nothing is as awesome as cats and video games, and when you combine them, you get instant online celebrity. [Mr.TVCow]
Yep, that’s pretty awesome. [Source: Sean Astin on Twitter | Via TMS]
Sugar in food can hide behind 56 aliases, do you know them all? While sugar is easy to spot in candy, soft drinks and ice cream, it also hides out in foods you might not expect — including peanut butter, pasta sauce and even bologna! Robert Lustig decodes confusing labels and sugar’s many aliases to […]
Yep, that looks about right: I’m Coffee’s Bitch. My pal Brian, the creator of Fowl Language, even made a t-shirt to go along with this comic. You can get one on Society 6. [Source: Fowl Language]
An Israeli firm says it’s made a phone charger that can recharge a battery in less than 30 seconds. But as so often in such cases, it will be at least a few years before it’s ready for commercial release. StoreDot demonstrated the technology by recharging a Samsung S4 from dead battery to full capacity […]