So…Tom Selleck Totally Could Have Been Indiana Jones! [Video]

Believe it or not, Harrison Ford wasn’t always a shoe-in for the iconic role of Indiana Jones. Magnum P.I. was also in the running. (I’m also pretty sure he was born with that mustache.) Also interesting: Sean Young — who appeared in Blade Runner with Ford in 1982 — was a possible choice for Marion […]

Will Nathan Fillion Appear in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’?? [Video]

Nathan Fillion has been known to collaborate with James Gunn, director of Marvel’s upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy. After all, Fillion was in Slither back in 2006. Well, the actor attended Wizard Comic Con in St. Louis last weekend and a fan asked if he had wanted a part in GOTG. Fillion responded with: “Wanting […]

This Han Solo In Carbonite Replica Looks Just Like The Real Thing [Pics]

This This 7 1/2 foot tall screen-accurate replica statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite can be pre-ordered from Sideshow Collectibles starting April 10th for a measly $6,999. Ouch. Sideshow’s artists have faithfully captured the frozen smuggler with stunning realism, just moments after his affectionate parting words, “I know,” in The Empire Strikes Back. Expertly […]

Comcast Says Time Warner Merger Will Boost Competition

Critics of the proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable argue it will hurt competition in the TV industry. But Comcast says the deal will be good for consumers when you look at the wider communications market. The Federal Communications Commission is reviewing the merger because it would give the firms a combined share […]