The Scientific Reason Behind Why Ketchup is so Hard to Pour [Science Video]

Ever go to pour ketchup on your fries…and nothing comes out? Or the opposite happens, and your plate is suddenly swimming in a sea of red? George Zaidan describes the physics behind this frustrating phenomenon, explaining how ketchup and other non-Newtonian fluids can suddenly transition from solid to liquid and back again. [TED Ed]

The Nicest Neighborhoods in the Universe: What does it really take for a planet to be habitable?

From the SciShow: What does it really take for a planet to be habitable? It turns out, certain parts of a star system, a galaxy, and even the universe as we know it, are more habitable than others. Get to know them as Hank takes you on a tour of some of the nicest neighborhoods […]

Scientists Of 1975 Predict Today’s World

On Friday we looked back at psychics’ predictions made in the 1975 book The People’s Almanac, forecasting the rest of the 20th century. With New York still above water, cancer uncured, and solar energy pills yet to replace food, the results were somewhat off the mark. However, the authors of the book also asked scientists […]

The Wonderful Cosplay of WonderCon 2014 [Picture Gallery]

Once again this year geeks from all around the U.S., and in certain cases even the world, flocked to Anaheim, CA, instead of celebrating Easter, to partake in the joys of Wondercon! I’ve scoured Flickr for some CC-licensed photography of the event, and as usual, there was plenty to choose from. Thanks to Chris Alcoran […]

Rockne O’Bannon Confirms ‘Farscape’ Movie in the Works!

A lot of wonder came out of last weekend’s WonderCon in Anaheim, California. The latest buzz? A Farscape movie, confirmed by show creator Rockne O’Bannon himself! “Yeah, yeah, it’s the worst kept secret…We’re far from production, but yeah, the first step is Justin [Monjo] working on a script for us. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.” […]

Cosplay Changes Lives: Short PBS Documentary [Video]

A fantastic short documentary about how cosplay helps people in more ways than one could possibly imagine. With TV shows dedicated to it, and pictures and videos all across the internet, cosplay has now officially entered the public consciousness. All over the world, enthusiastic fans dress up as their favorite characters and show off amazing […]