The Coffee Cycle [Comic]
Yep, been there, done that. [Source: MercWorks | College Humor | Via CB]
Yep, been there, done that. [Source: MercWorks | College Humor | Via CB]
While browsing our picture gallery from Wondercon using Internet Explorer, [GAS] reader Julien got a totally hilarious error message while accessing one particular and very appropriate photo. Featuring the super fun and beautiful Vegas PG. (Original photo by Davann Srey) Thanks Julien!
[Via PJ]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes]
Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia have been watching a piece of pitch (tar) drip–very slowly–for 85 years. They’ve just had the ninth drop in that time, and the first captured on camera. The pitch drop experiment was conceived in 1927 as an extreme way of demonstrating that a liquid could have such […]
I, for one, welcome our new hexarotor robotic overlords. From KMel Robotics: KMel Robotics presents a team of flying robots that have taken up new instruments to play some fresh songs. The hexrotors create music in ways never seen before, like playing a custom single string guitar hooked up to an electric guitar amp. Drums […]
From Thinkgeek: This set of R2-D2 Measuring Cups disassembles into 4 measuring cups plus 4 measuring spoons and reassembles in a snap (fortunately, it’s not as complicated as C-3PO). Each has its measurement written inside so you can’t forget what they are and handles on the back that don’t distract from R2’s aesthetic. The only […]
A cosplay-themed parody of one of the most annoying songs of all time, #selfie. It makes its point though. [Nerd Reactor]
Do you already have a Netflix subscription? Well, then you’re safe…for now. The basic Netflix Instant subscription is currently $7.99, but Netflix has announced that number will jump to either $8.99 or $9.99 for new members, depending on the country. For comparison, Hulu is $8 a month in the U.S. while Amazon Prime is $75 […]
Murphy’s Law, Finagle’s corollary: “If something can go wrong, it will, So if you throw a slice of toast with butter into the air, it will always fall with the buttered side down.” Cats Conservation Law: “A cat will always land on its feet.” So, what would happen if we stick a slice of toast […]