The Real-Life Value of Queen Elsa’s “Frozen” Ice Palace
[Source: Movoto]
[Source: Movoto]
A man that plays the Super Mario Bros. theme with finger snaps. Now he needs to do it while beatboxing. [Emil Axelsson | Via]
From Youtuber GamerNear: This video was created to describe my feelings towards the state of our League, I once enjoyed playing this game despite winning or losing, but now it has became hurtful at times. This Spoken word was done by Jesse Chisholm, and the video was created by KodeVu. [GamerNear]
Presented without comment. [Paul Firbas | Via TA]
Have you ever wondered how birds see see the world? They actually see way better than us, and can even do so in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum! [SciShow]
[Source: Tom Fonder – Happy Jar | The Adventure of Business Cat | Like Business Cat on Facebook]
The perfect mix of badassness and feminity, these lace hipster panties are the *ahem* perfect accessories to distract villains while you arrest them. Not that we encourage you to fight evil while wearing only panties, mind you. –Wonder Woman Women’s Lace Hipster Panty – $11.99 –Batgirl Women’s Lace Hipster Panty – $11.99 –Supergirl Women’s Lace […]
Replace that desert island with a camping site, and that pretty much looks like me last summer. [Source: Loading Artist]
That’s it, I now want to see a dancing duel between Neil Degrasse Tyson and Tom Hiddleston. I also want to see him featured on Dancing with the *Stars*, which would be totally appropriate when you think about it. [Via IHC]
An anti-bullying PSA by Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi for VH-1. Don’t bully. [delcamponazcasaatchi | Via LS]