A Dark Re-Envisioning of the Origin of Peter Pan [Short Movie]

An absolutely phenomenal short film that re-envisions the origin of Peter Pan. I just wish it would last a little longer though, 12 minutes is clearly not long enough in this case! Brought up by a tyrannical and alcoholic mother, Peter finds his salute only in the dreams and tales which frees his imagination. One […]

Exit Log: Sending a Message Back in Time to Save Yourself [Short Sci-Fi Film]

The award winning short film series returns with Academy Awardยฎ Winning Writer Geoffrey Fletcher’s new script. One of Five Films based on the same outline script, Exit Log is a stunning sci-fi short set in 2249. Two space engineer’s journey through deep space takes a dramatic turn when they discover an emergency message from the […]

A New Dragon Age Game! – Dragon Age: Inquisition [Gameplay Trailer]

Ready yourself for Dragon Age: Inquisition with our Inquisitor gameplay trailer! The lone survivor of a cataclysmic blast, the Inquisitor is the only one who can stop the demons terrorizing the land of Thedas. Dragon Age: Inquisition will be available on October 7, 2014 [Pre-Order: Xbox 360 | Xbox One | PC]. [Dragon Age: Inquisition […]