Totally Useless But Awesome Hacks You Need To Know
9 totally useless but fun facts you need to know, because eating a cupcake like a sandwich it totally the way to go! [Buzzfeed]
9 totally useless but fun facts you need to know, because eating a cupcake like a sandwich it totally the way to go! [Buzzfeed]
Become sometimes, love is best expressed through tiny creatures eating tiny food. [HelloDenizen]
A highly interesting video by Minute Earth explaining how scientists can establish a planet’s age, such as our planet being between 4.4 and 4.5 billion years old, not 6000. [Minute Earth]
Minute Physics explains why using your fingers to create a small hole can help those with bad vision if they ever come to lose their glasses. Unlike a lens, a pinhole or small opening can focus light from any distance. Because itโs such a small opening, it only allows light to come through in one […]
How does Spider-Man get around when he runs out of webs? Parkour! [Ronnie Street Stunts]
Come on, admit it, you know you want a pair! These bootie-style slippers make your feet look and sound like a robot. Vrrrrrr-clank. Vrrrrrr-clank. Folks are guaranteed to turn around when you enter the room. And if they don’t? Stomp over to them and threaten to smash their city with your Giant Robot Slippers. Can’t […]
Yep, at one point in the 90s, Michael Jackson was interested in buying Marvel so he could make a Spider-Man movie and play the role himself. I wonder how this would have turned out? [Buzzfeed]
Clearly, I’m in the minority of folks who watched Almost Human on Fox, because the network has announced that there will be no second season. The “buddy cop” show starred Karl Urban and Michael Ealy as “a human and lifelike robot partnered together as detectives in the year 2048,” according to Cinema Blend. Was the […]
Now you know, thanks to the folks over at the “art of manliness“. [Source: Art of Manliness | Via LS]
Now that is what I call an entertaining version of Star Wars! :) [Source: Dorkly]