Taco Day [Comic]
[Source: Safely Endangered]
[Source: Safely Endangered]
From the developers of everything Elder Scrolls comes a game so immersive you’ll forget to eat, sleep, or make any friends at all. You’ll spend countless hours trapped in a far off land; and when you finally emerge from the game, you’ll only find disappointment and boredom back in the real world. [Smosh Games]
[Via ironmaidenwantsyoufordead]
NASA has unveiled the public’s choice for the next prototype design for a suit to be used if and when man lands on Mars. Nearly 400,000 website visitors chose among a range of designs for the Z-2 spacesuit, with 63 percent opting for the “Technology” option. It’s eerily reminiscent of the design of the suit […]
This piece of novelty furniture — La Bibliochaise — is crafted in Italy and can hold UP TO 300 BOOKS. There are three different models: The Home, the Plus, and the Glossy. It measures 39.76 x 33.07 inches and sits 29.13 inches high. And don’t forget La Bibliopouf! [via Nobody & Co.]
How to pack a suitcase. Top tips and life hacks to make packing a suitcase as quick and efficient as possible. Solve common travel problems and learn new packing solutions. [Dave Hax]
If physicist Stephen Hawking is taking pause with the future of AI technology, maybe we should take pause, too. Or at least, you know, think about all the paths it could potentially take first. Hawking, along with physicists Max Tegmark and Frank Wilczek and computer scientist Stuart Allen, wrote in The Guardian that AI could absolutely change […]
As part of its 2015 season, Opera Philadelphia has announced they will do a “popera” based on the life and works of Andy Warhol. ANDY: A Popera has been described as a “cabaret-opera hybrid” and the company has enlisted the help of experimental cabaret troupe Bearded Ladies. The project’s music is first being composed by Philadelphia’s […]
[Via NA]
On Wednesday, Disney announced that Marvel’s Avengers will be next in line for its Disney Infinity game series. There will eventually be over 18 figures, along with additional Disney-centric content. The first Disney Infinity will also be compatible with the new Marvel one. The starter kit comes with three figures, the Avengers’ playset piece, and a […]