Del Toro, Craig, Carrell Star in White House’s “1 is 2 Many” Anti-Rape PSA [VIDEO]

On April 29, the White House launched their “1 is 2 Many” campaign, which focuses on sexual assault and rape of women. In addition to both the president and vice president appearing in the PSA, the campaign enlisted Benecio del Toro, Daniel Craig, Seth Meyers, Steve Carrell, and Dulé Hill to help spread the message. [1 […]

Chalkboard Vandals Are the Best Kind of Vandals [PICS]

Every Sunday or Monday night, two students — known only as Dangerdust — sneak into a random, empty classroom and vandalize it…with inspirational art! While their names are unknown, they have been identified as two seniors at Columbus College of Art who are majoring in Advertising and Graphic Design. And get this — each work of art […]

The Best Zoidberg Cosplay Ever [Pic + Video]

This is hands down the best Zoidberg costume ever! The Zoidberg Project is finished! Effects artist Frank Ippolito guides us through the entire fabrication process, including design, sculpting, molding, and even some animatronics to bring Zoidberg to life. Suited up in the costume, we walk the convention floor of WonderCon 2014 to greet some attendees […]