Do You Want to Build a Snowman? [Comic]
[Source: TomperWomper on Deviantart]
[Source: TomperWomper on Deviantart]
And the title is… Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice! Production will take place in Detroit as well as areas around Illinois; Africa; and the South Pacific. Film is set to bow May 6, 2016. I also like the fact that it indirectly announces that the Justice League movie will likely follow in a year […]
[Source: Dean Grayson]
Pluto has five moons? Well, yeah! Learn about them in this video. [Kurzgesagt]
Beware gentlemen… that Dalek dress may look super sexy, but the lady wearing it is probably just waiting for a good occasion to exterminate you. [Doctor Who Red Dalek Exterminate Body Con Dress – $59.99 $34.99 (41% Off) | Via]
Cosplayer Ginny Diguiseppi recently sent me a few pictures of herself dressed as Arya Stark, and as I’m sure you’ve already noticed, she looks just like the character! Ginny also plays Arya in a web series called Ask Westeros, which features a bunch of other great Game of Thrones cosplayers/actors, including Rene Koiter, the Khal […]
Stanley the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is left behind in the break of an apocalypse. All he wants to do is get back to his owner. [John Cody Kim]
From Dan Newbie: The Legend of Zelda theme song. Another one from the good old days of the NES, with more than just wine glasses, pots and pans. Latest addition: beer bottles! [Dan Newbie]
Neil Patrick Harris — who played Doogie Howser MD — has chosen an unusual format for his autobiography. It will be in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure book. For those unlucky enough not to remember, the series of books allowed children to read the story over and over again thanks to branching […]
What action movies show us vs. what would REALLY happen in those action scenarios! [nigahiga]