The New Batman vs. Superman Movie Finally has a Title… And a Logo!

And the title is… Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice! Production will take place in Detroit as well as areas around Illinois; Africa; and the South Pacific. Film is set to bow May 6, 2016. I also like the fact that it indirectly announces that the Justice League movie will likely follow in a year […]

The Real-Life Version of Arya Stark [Cosplay Pics]

Cosplayer Ginny Diguiseppi recently sent me a few pictures of herself dressed as Arya Stark, and as I’m sure you’ve already noticed, she looks just like the character! Ginny also plays Arya in a web series called Ask Westeros, which features a bunch of other great Game of Thrones cosplayers/actors, including Rene Koiter, the Khal […]