Man Transforms Hedge Into 100-Foot Dragon! [Pic]
It took John Brooker of Norfolk, England TEN YEARS to craft his hedge dragon! And it takes him HOURS to keep it pruned! [via Nerd Approved]
It took John Brooker of Norfolk, England TEN YEARS to craft his hedge dragon! And it takes him HOURS to keep it pruned! [via Nerd Approved]
Watch as the first man on Mars makes an historic first phone call to his wife. Written, Designed and Directed by The Brothers McLeod. Be sure to check out what the little astronauts are doing in the background too! [The Brothers McLeod]
For me, watching the first Evil Dead film when I was about 10 years old left a scar on me. It was a really, really bad idea. E.T. was pretty terrifying too! What about you guys? What movie scared the hell out of you as a kid? Let us know in the comments section below! […]
“Disobey and you will be categorized as mutant food-stuffs.” -Magneto [The Pet Collective | Via IO9]
Comic by Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
It was a mixed set of results for Pirate Parties in the European Parliament elections. The parties, which campaign for online freedoms, lost two seats across Europe but picked one up and almost won another. As a result of the last European Parliament elections, in 2009, the Pirate Party of Sweden picked up two seats, […]
A rather entertaining rap song by artist Andrew Huang where e is the only vowel used. we get berserk we beseech herds: keep speech clever we get knee-jerk effects never need reckless reefer when we feed text – sweet dessert free verse? [Andrew Huang | Via LS]
Last weekend in London was the Spring edition of the MCM Comic Con event, and as with last time, Nick Acott from Sneaky Zebra was acting as our eyes at the expo! Here are some of the best costumes we “ran” into during the weekend! Check ’em out! If you’re in the UK and need […]
Don’t you just love that look of puzzlement on their faces? Watch the kids try and figure out how to use a 1970’s era computer in another special Old Technology episode! [TheFineBros]
This is actually better than the one that was released by the BBC a few days ago. A stylised, narrative trailer for the 8th series of Doctor Who, featuring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor! The new Doctor lands this August on BBC One. My aim with this trailer was to capture the more ‘magical’ […]