Tiny, Cute Kittehs Dressed as Fantasy and Sci-Fi Characters [Picture Gallery]
The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Game of Thrones all get the tiny, cute kitteh treatment. [via Dose]
The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Game of Thrones all get the tiny, cute kitteh treatment. [via Dose]
[Source: Dragonart | Dragonart on Facebook]
CineFix presents Donnie Darko retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No controllers required, but SPOILERS ahead!! [CineFix]
These pop culture-inspired typography posters by artist Pete Ware are absolutely beautiful and feature a saying of the character represented on each poster. [17thandOak on Etsy.com | Via HC]
Available for pre-order via the Big Bad Toy Store. There’s no mention of why on the website, but the picture indicates that the hoodie requires battery, probably something related to Godzilla’s roar coming out of the hoodie somewhere. [Big Bad Toy Store | Via]
Be sure to check out picturesinboxes.com and like Pictures in Boxes on Facebook! [Source: Pictures in Boxes | Pictures in Boxes on Facebook | Via Neatorama]
Yep, that’s right: a goat riding a man riding a bicycle. [Nuno Sá | Via Neatorama]
In the last few seconds of video, this cat responds to the game of Jenga like I normally do. [via TIME]
Yep, this is the same dude who built the automatic Wolverine claws and Magneto shoes we featured in the past 2 weeks. [colinfurze]
Wow, this guy is pretty good! [Jake Dunsbridge | Via]