Game of Thrones Illustrated [Comic]
[Source: Nedesem on Memecenter | Via IO9]
[Source: Nedesem on Memecenter | Via IO9]
[Reddit | Via]
I don’t know about you guys, but everything I’ve read (or watched) from the E3 conference so far this year has left be seriously unimpressed. I mean, I’ve seen almost no real gameplay, the only things we’ve been shown are elaborate cut scenes for titles that I’m mostly not even interested about. And it seems […]
[Bumber Sticker Available @ | Via GU]
Comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. Breaking Nice, Game of Niceness, Hannicebal and… Thomas the nice engine? :) [Source: Dorkly]
Model: Reddit user Monchalant Photography: AZ Outlaw Photography Location: Phoenix Comic Con 2014. [Monchalant on Reddit | Photo: AZ Outlaw Photography | Via]
Hey TRAILER PEOPLE! Please stop giving away entire movies when releasing movie trailers! [Glove and Boots | Via TA]
Elsa is the first adult Disney princess, this is one of 9 facts in Buzzfeed’s mind-blowing facts compilation about your favorite Disney movies. [Buzzfeed]
A cosplay music video featuring some of the best cosplay from Comic Con Chile 2014. Enjoy! [daplei]
From black panther to Magneto, here are some of the world’s richest superheroes. [Source:]