The Great Nutella Pyramid [Video]
72,770 calorie, 2,490 grams of fat. Om nom nom nom. [Epic Meal Time]
72,770 calorie, 2,490 grams of fat. Om nom nom nom. [Epic Meal Time]
[Via Peter Moore on Twitter | Via Kotaku]
Do you know any other fun facts about your favorite breweries? Let us know about them in the comments below! [Buzzfeed]
A brilliant and clever way to demonstrate the risks associated with texting while driving your car. Kudos to Volkswagen for a great ad! [MadOverAds]
Did you know, the entire library of 822 original NES games can now fit on one single microSDXC card… 40 TIMES! [Source: Reddit]
Actor Cary Elwes — a man of many colors, but for much of my generation, known as The Man in Black — has written a book detailing all the behind-the-scenes story of the beloved classic The Princess Bride. From actor Cary Elwes, who played the iconic role of Westley in The Princess Bride, comes a first-person account […]
Very clever. [Source: @qikipedia | Via IO9]
This is gross. Be sure to enlarge the video and put it in HD to observe the nastiness. [Carl Williams | Via Faildesk]
How many of these did you know? [Buzzfeed]
Batdad is back once again to save the day… [Batdad]