OMG: Sharktopus is Back in “Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda” [Videos]
SHARKTOPUS VS PTERACUDA, Don’t miss it! (Saturday August 2 on Syfy) [Roger Corman]
SHARKTOPUS VS PTERACUDA, Don’t miss it! (Saturday August 2 on Syfy) [Roger Corman]
To celebrate the upcoming 4th of July, our pals over at ADHD have created the Captain America Statistics song, highlighting some rather unflattering statistics related to the people and culture of “America.” [ADHD]
[Source: psychadelicace | Via Geekxgirls]
From Her Universe: No matter how many times we see it, this image of Van Gogh’s exploding TARDIS painting still gives us the feels! We love this Doctor Who episode and we had to take this now classic image and put in on our new infinity scarf. Doctor Who fans and non fans alike will […]
A Portal-style homage to the Game Of Thrones theme by Youtuber Harry101UK. [Harry101UK | Via]
The Norwegian government says it will not repeat experiments with online voting. It said there wasn’t enough guarantee of security and a secret vote. The country used online voting as an option in 12 cities and towns as an experiment in 2011 and 2013 and has now reported on the experience. In the 2013 experiment, […]
Let’s just hope he never misses, because lemon juice on a fresh cut hurts like hell! [Ben P. | Via TMS]
FOR THE HORDE! Every other Monday, master swordsmith Tony Swatton forges your favorite weapons from video games, movies, and television. This week, he recreates the Lich King’s Frostmourne from World of Warcraft! [AWE Me]
From the company so concerned with the environment they keep recycling their only game, comes another installment of the franchise Call of Duty. [Smosh Games]
Warning: Language. A new episode of Epic Rap Battles of History putting George Washington and William Wallace against each other. [ERB]