Mom, The Government is Telling lies! [Comic]
Nope, in this case, the government isn’t lying, proof in case: [Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Via Dueling Analogs]
Nope, in this case, the government isn’t lying, proof in case: [Source: Poorly Drawn Lines | Via Dueling Analogs]
[Now ??? | Via LS]
Invisibility cloaks might sound like science fiction, but Ross of the Live Science Team shows you how a trick of light can make things disappear in this great experiment to try at home! [At-Bristol | Via Neatorama]
[GAS] reader K. T. just sent me these really cool stained glass panels her friend “Panovanator” did, and I have to admit, they’re quite beautiful! Above: Captain Marvel. Below: Hawkeye. Both come directly from scenes in actual comic books. [Source: Panovanator on Tumblr]
[Source: Reddit | Via]
From Zapruder Pictures: Ever wondered how a Grand Theft Auto movie would look like? A real life parody by Zapruder Pictures based on the GTA V first Trailer. [Zapruder Pictures]
One of the most hilarious episodes of “Honest Trailers” yet! With a new Planet of the Apes sequel dawning soon, we revisit the franchise’s most disastrous hour: Tim Burton’s ill-advised 2001 remake. It’s a madhouse!!!! [Screen Junkies]
Yep, makes sense! [Source: Dragonart | Like Dragonart on Facebook]
Legolas is a fraud… unless light travels differently in Middle-Earth compared to the way it does in our world. [Minute Physics]
The British public (and perhaps a few other folk with creative IP addresses) have selected resistance to antibiotics as the scientific challenge at the heart of a $16 million prize fund. As we covered recently, it’s part of the Longitude prize, a modern take on an 18th century government contest to find a way to […]