Jurassic Goat: The Jurassic Park Theme Song as Sung By Goats [Video]
Here’s your ration of screaming goats for today. You’re welcome. [Marca Blanca]
Here’s your ration of screaming goats for today. You’re welcome. [Marca Blanca]
From Blinkbox: To celebrate Game of Thrones season 4 landing on blinkbox, blinkbox gave two super fans the ultimate experience — getting married in a Game of Thrones inspired ceremony, complete with a white horse and Wolf Dogs . The couple and their guests spent fifty hours being transformed into their favourite characters by a […]
An awesome short stop-motion transformers movie featuring the constructicons! Thanks Scott! [harrisloureiro]
Goldman Sachs has asked a US court to force Google to remotely delete a message sent to the wrong address. The e-mail, sent last week, was meant to go to an address ending in gs.com, but mistakenly went to the same username but at gmail.com instead. That’s particularly unfortunate as the e-mail included “highly confidential […]
[Source: The Odd 1s Out]
[Source: Text from Superheroes]
These awesome superhero illustrations featuring famous actors (other then the ones currently impersonating the characters in current Hollywood movies) were designed by French artist Alex Tuis. I would have loved to see Arnold play the part as Collusus when he was younger! [Source: Alex Tuis – Creature Designer | Via]
A fantastic song by “The Doubleclicks” about kids growing up to one day become… big kids, even when they’re old! [The Doubleclicks | Like “The Doubleclicks” on Facebook | Via The Mary Sue]
I tried doing a full sentence talking like that and I failed miserably. [Matt Hilton | Via Reddit]
This is the best thing you’ll see all day! The video reminds me a little of what my friends Nick and Gary from Sneaky Zebra did a while ago in Prop Wars. (See below!) Thanks Andrew! [andrewmfilms]