Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary Re-Release Trailer [Video]

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the franchise, Sony has remastered Ghostbusters in 4k and will air the movie in theaters (U.S. and Canada) for one week starting August 29 (Labor Day weekend). You can also purchase the 4k edition of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II in a box set that is currently available for pre-order […]

Disney Characters as Gotham Villains or Superheroes [Geek Art]

In this series of illustration, artist Rick Celis re-envisions Disney characters as Gotham Villains (except for Oracle, of course.) Elsa as Ms. Freeze, Ariel as Oracle, Pinocchio as Scarface, Tiana as Poison Ivy, Captain Amelia as Catwoman. [Source: Rick Celis on Deviantart | Follow Rick Celis on Facebook | Follow Rick Celis on Twitter]

IBM Stakes $3bn On Silicon Chip Rethink

IBM is putting $3 billion into two projects designed to rethink the very concept of computer chip production. It says such a move is needed to meet increasing demands for processing without impractical increases in energy use. Both projects will run for five years. They both involve exploring the continuing efforts to shrink chips — […]