Peter Griffin Cosplayer Does Stand-Up & KILLS IT!!! [Video]

This guy is good! From Albotas: At the 2014 Allentown Comic Con there was a cosplay contest judged by celebrity cosplayers Riki Lecotey a.k.a. “Riddle” and Nicole Marie Jean. To keep the crowd entertained while they deliberated, they asked a spot-on Peter Griffin cosplayer to take the mic and he completely KILLED it! Fox should […]

Because I’m Tacky: A “Happy” Parody by Weird Al Yankovic [Music Video] [Warning: Auto-Play]

Check out “Tacky” a fun parody of Pharrell’s super-hit “Happy” by Weird Al Yankovic. Weird Al has announced that he will be releasing 8 music videos in the next 8 days, starting with this one today! Edit: If you’re reading this from the front page, check out the video after the “jump.” I’m putting it […]

Raspberry Pi Gets Redesign: Introducing the Raspberry Pi B+

The low-cost Raspberry Pi computer is getting a third edition. The B+ doesn’t have any major performance spec changes, but some potentially useful design tweaks. The Pi launched in 2012 and was designed as an alternative to devices such as the Arduino; the Pi’s manufacturers bill it as a full computer rather than a microcontroller. […]

Joss Whedon Brings Back Buffy… in a Tweet [PIC]

Apparently, if you type his name enough on Twitter, Joss Whedon will appear. @JihadKitty @josswhedon I summoned him — Thoughtter (@ThoughtOtter) July 5, 2014 @ThoughtOtter okay what us your bidding DON'T WISH FOR MORE WISHES I'm onto that shit — Joss Whedon (@josswhedon) July 5, 2014 Twitter user @ThoughtOtter was about to squander her wish […]