Test Your Geography Smarts with Google’s ‘Smarty Pins’ Game

Whether you’re a Geography Bee champ or a Social Studies chump, Google has a MAP for that. Utilizing its Maps feature, Google has created a game called “Smarty Pins,” The Verge reported. Google asks you a random trivia question about a specific city or country, and you’re tasked with dropping a pin on the right spot. Players can […]

Verizon Ad Encourages Parents, Friends to “Inspire Her Mind” [VIDEO]

According to the National Science Foundation, 66 percent of 4th grade girls say they like science and math, yet only 18 percent of those who major in engineering are female. Verizon has produced an ad showing how social “norms” and seemingly innocuous phrases might turn young girls away from pursuing the STEM subjects and careers. [via KTAR]

How Tattooing Really Works and What Makes Tattoos Permanent [Science Video]

The earliest recorded tattoo was found on a Peruvian mummy in 6,000 BC. That’s some old ink! And considering humans lose roughly 40,000 skin cells per hour, how do these markings last? Claudia Aguirre details the different methods, machines and macrophages (you’ll see) that go into making tattoos stand the test of time. Related Posts: […]