Mythbusters: Cuz Tonight We Do Science! [A Body Count’s Cop Killer Parody]

Long time GAS reader “BoneCage” just sent me this awesome song he wrote in homage to the fabulous people over at The Mythbusters, and as most of what he writes, it’s pretty fantastic! Check it out! Who doesn’t love Mythbusters? I like Mythbusters. I also like Body Count, so I wrote this song. Boom! [BoneCage]

New Captain America Unveiled on ‘Colbert Report’!

Stephen Colbert will not be outdone. Hot on the heels of Tuesday’s announcement on The View about a female being next to wield Thor’s mighty hammer, Joe Quesada, chief creative officer at Marvel, appeared on The Colbert Report Wednesday night to reveal a not-very-well-kept rumor: Sam Wilson — a.k.a. The Falcon — was going to replace Steve […]

Manuel Noriega Sues Over Black Ops II Mission

Former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega is suing Activision because he believes a character in Call of Duty: Black Ops II uses his image without permission. While there’s no question that did happen, it’s uncertain whether Noriega — currently in prison in Panama — has the legal right to protect his image in the United States. […]

‘Like a Girl’ Campaign Hopes to Champion Girls’ Confidences [VIDEO]

There seems to be a renaissance of feminism hitting the airwaves — and Internet — in recent months. Now, appropriately enough, Always, maker of feminine products, has made a “Girl Power” commercial, directed by Lauren Greenfield, “Sundance Film Festival award-winning creator of The Queen of Versailles, according to In the ad, Greenfield asks girls of all ages […]