D.I.Y. ALERT: ‘Labyrinth,’ ‘Star Wars’ & Muppets Cupcake Toppers

I know what you’re thinking: “No way! I could never do that!” Well, Instructables user cakesprite heard your cries of desperation and frustration and has come up with step-by-step instructions to ccreate Labyrinth, Star Wars, and Muppets cupcake toppers of your very own! Cakesprite uses certain cake decorating tools and sugar paste for the sculpting, so even […]

DREAMS: A Beautiful Cosplay Music Video from London Film & Comic Con 2014 [Video]

From Shades on Production: Every Year, thousands of people realise their dreams and become the heroes of their imaginations. Just some of the fantastic Cosplayers at the London Film & Comic Con in July 2014. A Huge thank you to everyone involved. [ShadesOnProductions]

Stewart, Colbert Team Up for Charity in Hilarious ‘Star Wars’-Themed Video

Weeknight talk show hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have reunited for a good cause. In the short, hilarious video below, the two satirists promote UNICEF through the Star Wars-themed campaign J.J. Abrams launched on Omaze, a crowdfunding site. What is meant to be a trivia-off quickly escalates into a barely-keeping-it-together Stewart in cosplay, complete with […]