‘Sherlock’ Fans Celebrate Cumberbatch’s Birthday in a Big, Special Way [VIDEO]

Benedict Cumberbatch turned 38 last Friday and his fans wanted to do something extra special. Instead of just wishing him a happy birthday, over 110 people dressed in their best Sherlock Holmes garb and (politely) stormed University College London. Then they recorded a birthday shout-out, while simultaneously raising money for the Undershaw Preservation Trust, a […]

Microsoft Ditches Android; Goes All In On Windows Phone

Microsoft is ditching Android from its smartphone range. It’s part of a strategy on streamlining its phone operations, which will be a key part of the company’s biggest ever round of job cuts. When Microsoft took over Nokia’s handset division, it certainly appeared that continuing to produce both Windows Phone and Android handsets was an […]

Sandpaper & Crossbows Overcome ‘Sapphire’ iPhone 6 Screen

Contrary to some rumors, it appears the new iPhone 6 screen is neither made of 100% sapphire, nor is it indestructible. Oh, and it’s probably not great as body armor for elk. Some videos that popped up on YouTube recently appeared to show what’s claimed to be an iPhone 6 screen being completely resistant to […]