How Does a Jet Engine Work: Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow [Video]

Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow: Nope, this isn’t the title of a bad adult only movie, but the simple way to explain how jet engines work. Baratunde Thurston takes you behind the scenes at GE’s Global Research Center to answer the question: How does a jet engine work? With the help of aerospace engineer Todd Wetzel, […]

Congressional Computer Banned By Wikipedia

An IP address at the House of Representatives has received a 10-day ban from anonymous edits on Wikipedia. It follows malicious edits receiving unwanted publicity. A Twitter account, @congressedits, automatically posts a message whenever a computer using any IP address assigned to Congress makes an edit. While it may be that some representatives and their […]

I’ll be in my Bunk: Firefly Online Gameplay Video

I really hope that this game will be good, else the developers will probably end up facing an army of angry fans picketing with pitchforks and torches right outside of their office. Firefly Online (FFO) is an online strategic roleplaying game set in the universe of Joss Whedon’s cult classic TV show – Firefly. Players […]