Now That’s A Disney Star Wars [Pic]
Biting satire on Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilms? Or young kids shunning gender play stereotypes? You be the judge. [Via: Reddit user svangsgaard]
Biting satire on Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilms? Or young kids shunning gender play stereotypes? You be the judge. [Via: Reddit user svangsgaard]
You may remember that earlier this year more than a million players worked together to beat Pokemon by issuing commands in a chat window of gaming streaming site Twitch. Now a fish is attempting to do the same, though it probably doesn’t know it: Two students have hooked a camera up to a fishbowl, divided […]
A “flat-pack” robot can assemble itself before walking away. It works through a combination of origami and Shrinky Dinks. The robot is the work of Harvard graduate student Samuel Felton, who says he spent just $100 on the project. It follows previous work by his course advisor Robert Wood on a robotic inchworm and a […]
The official blurb: From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge Gutierrez comes an animated comedy with a unique visual style. THE BOOK OF LIFE is the journey of Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart. Before choosing which path to follow, he embarks […]
Publishers Penguin have come up with a new cover for a 50th anniversary edition of Roald Dahl’s Charlie & The Chocolate Factory that’s certainly got people talking. What do you think, readers? [Via: Buzzfeed]
This great shot of a Macaque Nigra in Indonesia is — according to Wikipedia at least — in the public domain. That’s because although it came from a photoshoot by David Slater, the picture was actually taken by the monkey itself after getting its hands on the camera. Wikipedia says that means the picture can’t be […]
A little mindless entertainment for you guys this morning. [crazyhalo]
This Sunday night will be a bonanza for those of you who like watching the sky. It’s a supermoon, meaning a full moon coinciding with the perigee, which is the close point in the moon’s orbit (as well as part of a magic spell.) That leads to a perceived difference in size as illustrated above […]
CineFix presents Happy Gilmore retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required! [CineFix]
[Source: Luke Toth Design]