The Super Mario Bros. Theme Performed Djent Style [Video]
A fun cover of the Super Mario Bros. theme done djent style by Youtuber SteveTerreberry. [SteveTerreberry]
A fun cover of the Super Mario Bros. theme done djent style by Youtuber SteveTerreberry. [SteveTerreberry]
[Via Cheezburger]
Tattoo by Matt at Blue Cardinal Tattoo in Littlebrough, Manchester, England. [Via FYT | FG]
This video is a little old, but I bet you’ll learn a thing or two by watching it! Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users. And yes, you may know a few of these already — but there’s probably at least one you don’t. [TED | […]
One of the best theme songs from all time! Airwolf is an American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987. The program centers on a high-tech military helicopter, code named Airwolf, and its crew as they undertake various missions, many involving espionage, with a Cold War theme. [Wikipedia] [MrSolidSnake745]
Now you know. [Buzzfeed]
Cosplay and Costume: Betty Nukem Photo (Above): ASPhotography
They’??ll probably end up overtaking the world at some point, but right now, we love them. Here’s a compilation of the top 10 giant robots according to Watch Mojo. [Daily Motion]
Boom. a triangle bubble. Boom. A cube-shaped bubble. [Crazy Russian Hacker | Via LS]
Meet ReeBot. A very Friendly little robot who only wants a little bit of attention from his human coworkers. [Ciboulot | Via GT]