Google To Offer Accounts For Kids [News]

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Google may offer user accounts specifically designed for children, the logic being that kids are already signing up and lying about their age. As the newspaper notes, once Google officially knows a user is under 13, there are legal implications: Google and most other Internet companies tread carefully […]

The Making Of Star Wars Despecialized Edition [Video]

Following on from our piece yesterday about Disney reportedly working on Blu-ray releases of the original versions of Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI, here’s a documentary about a fan project that’s already doing a similar thing unofficially. Star Wars: Despecialized Edition is an attempt to take the original release, without the edits and […]

YouTube To Get Premium Music Service [News]

Google is going to build YouTube into its existing paid-for music offerings. It’s got the makings of a confusing package, but could bring some added value over existing services. Nothing’s officially confirmed yet, but the Android Police website has some leaked screenshots which have got people piecing together the puzzle. It appears the existing Google […]

The LEGO Ghostbusters Movie [Short Film]

While on his summer break, teacher and [GAS] friend Monsieur Caron spent most of his time creating this awesome LEGO Ghostbusters short film, replacing a ghost in a very well known scene with an alternative one that works equally as well. If you enjoyed the movie, be sure to watch the “behind the scene” video […]

Steven Moffat On The Pros & Cons Of Online Fandom

In a recent press conference to promote BBC America’s broadcasts of the upcoming series of Doctor Who, showrunner Steven Moffat turned his attention to the online fandom of the show. In comments transcribed by The Mary Sue, he first noted the negatives: I think trying to assess Doctor Who’s audience from its online community would […]