Some Compliments Aren’t From Far Far Away [Pic]
Reddit user hilwise found this posted to their door: [Via: Nerd Approved]
Reddit user hilwise found this posted to their door: [Via: Nerd Approved]
Number one is actually for a performer’s work rather than a specific scene, but given who it is, it would be churlish to complain. Be aware this contains the home invasion scene from A Clockwork Orange which some people may find particularly unsettling.
A Minecraft user has created a working hard drive in Minecraft — albeit with a capacity of 1 kilobyte. The drive, created by Reddit user “Smellystring”, works on a simple binary system. Instead of using magnets or transistor cells to store the data, it uses blocks that can be either solid or opaque. Reading from […]
From Vincent van Gogh was many things: human, artist, and beard-wearer. But when he met the Doctor and Amy, a spark (however temporary) lit up his life and vaulted it to a new level. Oh, and he also designed dresses. Don’t believe us? Well, just look at this picture of this one. It’s like […]
You know…the Tony Stark-decrypted files thing is a very good point. [via Screen Junkies]
As you’d imagine, this is spoiler-heavy. So, bearing in mind that “easter egg” is a somewhat loose definition, did anyone spot one that’s missing from this clip?
A four-year old girl learns a tough lesson about the temporary nature of digital technology. (And the Internet gets a tough reminder of the meanness of YouTube commenters.) 22 Words explains: As 4-year-old Cadence was playing with a little camera for her and her brothers, she pushed just the right sequence of buttons to delete […]
ASAP Science takes a look at an often misunderstood condition in a clip that’s well-timed given the recent public debate sparked by the death of Robin Williams by suicide: What exactly is going on inside of a depressed person? We look at the scientific basis for depression, and shed light on the fact that it […]
Toronto’s Design Different has a range of prints each detailing a map and directions for the quickest route from a major city to the nearest major safe zone, often a conservation area that’s safely fenced off. There are nine cities to choose from, but for an extra fee they’ll create a custom map for your […]
A Japanese company has created movie “makeup” that can be applied instantly and changed without a break – by effectively turning a face into a projection screen. Omote’s technology works in a similar way to the motion capture used in many games. As CNET explains: Taking his inspiration from the Noh mask, Asai first laser-scanned […]