What is Gandalf’s Weapon of Choice? [Pic]
Presented without comment. [Via NA]
Presented without comment. [Via NA]
Incredibly, the detail on this hand-made dress from tumblr user Ali is drawn entirely by hand using a fine-tip Sharpie. Check out more pics at Ali’s tumblr. [Via: Fasionably Geek]
It had to be done… Donate to the ALS association: http://bit.ly/TKORDonateALS.
Although there are some crazy mobile games in Japan, this definitely a spoof. WOULD YOU LIKE TASTY GELATIN INFANT?
Jon Lazar has customized Lego minifigures to recreate 31 super heroines nominated by readers of his blog. He explains: When the LEGO Friends line was introduced, it was met with mixed reviews. Many little girls loved it and LEGO builders liked the colors that were introduced with the line, but it was often derided for […]
Well, not exactly, but Filthy Frackers, a Portland couple who specialize in mixing popular culture with retro tech, have reimagined the opening titles as an 8-bit game. A few people have already noted the caption text is a bit too smooth, but it’s fun nostalgia nonetheless. [Via Boing Boing]
This is the first in a fun series of mini-dramas. It’s a little hard to describe, but each episode is about the adventures of fans of a particular TV show, shot and directed in the style of the show itself, with plenty of visual references. Check out their YouTube channel for episodes on Supernatural and […]
Digital and mobile game sales have grossed more money than physical games for the first time, a new report shows. It’s part of a trend that means the stereotype of gamers as teenage boys is increasingly outdated. The figures come from industry trade body the Entertainment Software Association. It’s latest annual report reveals that last […]
OK, when you put it like this, it is a little creepy. Inconceivably so. [Via: Geekologie]
Makeup artist Laura Jenkinson has an unusual technique that brings fictional characters to life around a human mouth. Check out Laura’s Facebook page for many more including Eric Cartman, Aladdin and a Minion.