If Geek Girls Acted Like Geek Guys [Video]
“I’m so tired of these fake geek guys. They’re just trying to impress us real nerd girls.” [BuzzFeedYellow]
“I’m so tired of these fake geek guys. They’re just trying to impress us real nerd girls.” [BuzzFeedYellow]
That’s totally me at my local coffee shop. Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Oh my goodness, this is adorable! :) [Keith Zerfas | Via Buzzfeed]
Dragon Con, the largest assembly of geeks in the South, officially starts Friday in Atlanta, but for many, Thursday has marked the new “start” of the con. So…get crackin’, cosplayers. Time is ticking! [DragonCon TV / via YouTube]
Watch part I here! [Action Movie Kid]
Yoshi and Mario are best friends. Except they’re not, because Mario is a jerk. [ADHD]
Californian politicians have passed a law mandating a “killswitch” in all smartphones, allowing users to remotely disable the phone if it’s lost or stolen. It’s the first such law to require such a feature to be enabled by default. Bill 962 says all phones that are manufactured after 1 July 2015 and then sold in […]
From Fstoppers Fans: Photographer Patrick Hall films people’s reactions as they get tased with a handheld stun gun. [Fstoppers Fans | Via LS]
I especially like the part featuring the Game of Thrones theme! Weird Al Yankovic and Andy Samberg put a literal twist on the theme songs of the year’s biggest nominees at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards. [NBC]
From CineFix: The Guardians of the Galaxy: everyone’s favorite superhero team, since July of this year. In honor of how much we freakin’ love that movie, we’ve compiled some things you (and we) didn’t know about the Guardians of the Galaxy. [CineFix]