Diablo Games: The Honest Trailer [Video]
Experience all 3 of the action RPG click-fest that gave an entire generation carpal tunnel syndrome: Diablo. [Smosh Games]
Experience all 3 of the action RPG click-fest that gave an entire generation carpal tunnel syndrome: Diablo. [Smosh Games]
Singer/Songwriter and Geeks are Sexy reader Bonecage just sent me this: This is a tribute to Game of Thrones / the Hound set to the music from Peter Cetera’s “Glory of Love” (which you may remember as the theme song from Karate Kid. [Bonecage]
I just woke up this morning and remembered that today is INTERNATIONAL BACON DAY! Since I never really stop working, I went online and looked if anyone had written anything in honor of the day, and all I saw is… nothing. SHOCKING RIGHT? :) So in honor of the day, here are nine things you […]
If you’re thinking of building a glass cube for a retail store, you now have two possible risks: a sweltering interior on sunny days, and a lawsuit from Apple. The US Patents & Trademarks Office has granted Apple’s request for a patent on the design of its Fifth Avenue store in New York, meaning the […]
From Anouk Wipprecht: Collaboration between fashiontech designer Anouk Wipprecht and ArcAttack using their customised singing Tesla Coils during the MakerFaire 2014 to create a faraday cage style dress. The challenge was to create a iconic design that would hold up to the power of high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency, alternating-current electricity. Which did. Scarily enough. [Anouk Wipprecht]
The Mecca of video games is in New York, and I want to go there. Here are 52 unbelievable video games you can find t the world’s best video game store. [BuzzFeedVideo]
Redditor UranusExplorer apparently had a customer support chat with Thor himself on Amazon.com recently, and this screenshot shows the entire thing. You’re welcome. [Via LS]
A great mask, but those eyes behind the mask… those eyes… [Guardians Of The Galaxy Groot Mask]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes | Follow Texts from Superheroes on Twitter | Like Texts from Superheroes on Facebook]
From Ben Bray: The world has been taken over by a new breed of Zombies… A group of three which includes a little boy are runners, the last of the human race as they try to stay a step ahead and SURVIVE! This was a John Chu project from his production company. The idea was […]