Just Three More Hours Until the End of the Week [Comic]
[Source: Happy Jar]
[Source: Happy Jar]
50 game cartridges dating back from the past 40 years. Can you identify them all? :) Illustration by Medford, OR-based Artist John Moore. This is a tribute to the gaming cartridge (and close cousins). There are 50 carts total all in order of when they hit the market, from the Odyssey in 1972, to the […]
From ZDoggMD: George Lucas retroactively ruined my childhood by “enhancing” his original Star Wars trilogy. Well, two can play at that game. Revenge is a dish best served Cold…play. [ZDoggMD | Via]
From CineFix: What if we asked you to pause your favorite movie at your absolute favorite moment, could you pick the best shot ever? Neither could we, so here are 100 of ’em. Sit back, relax and enjoy this stroll down awesome-movie-moments lane with the most iconic shots of all time. [CineFix]
Instructables user PenfoldPlant made this Möbius bacon strip by twisting a rasher of bacon around a rolling pin and then gluing it with transglutaminase, an enzyme that acts as a protein bonding agent. For generations, crazed dreamers and bold pioneers have searched for a method to turn ordinary bacon into a perfect loop of uninterrupted […]
I have to admit, I’d probably be totally terrified too. I hate spiders… even though I know they’re beneficial as natural controllers of insect pests. [SA Wardega]
Check out this amazing wallpaper by reddit user CritterNYC which cycles through the 12 different incarnations of the doctors, one per hour on a 12-hour cycle. Animated Gif by quinn_drummer. Edit: Original artwork by artist Matt Ferguson. [CritterNYC | quinn_drummer | Via IO9]
Check out this geektastic cello-only version of the Doctor Who theme by the Doubleclicks, a geeky sister duo from Portland, Oregon. [The Doubleclicks | Via Nerdist]
Watch as stand-up comedian and mathematician Matt Parker takes the “dice bucket” challenge to raise money for his favorite charity, WaterAid. [Numberphile | Via IO9]
The Royal Canadian Mint have recently started offering some official silver and gold Superman coins featuring some of the most iconic comic book covers featuring the Man of Steel: Action Comics #1 from 1938, Action Comics #419 from 1972, The Adventures of Superman #596 from 2001, and Superman Annual #1 from 2012. [Superman Comic Book […]