Zelda: Ocarina of Time – The Honest Trailer [Video]
From Nintendo, comes a game so good it made you spend $30.00 on a real Ocarina, only to give up learning how to play it after five minutes. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [Smosh Games]
From Nintendo, comes a game so good it made you spend $30.00 on a real Ocarina, only to give up learning how to play it after five minutes. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [Smosh Games]
From Mugalu Yusuf: We strapped an Oculus Rift DK2 onto an askari (security guard) while filming an episode of GamersNights at UrbanTV… and forgot to warn him that what he was seeing wasn’t real. [Mugalu Yusuf]
This is awesome. If you like Imagine dragon or are a League of Legends player, you’ll love this music video! Riot Games music team, team up with Imagine dragons to produce Warriors. The official League of Legends Season 4 World Championship 2014 Anthem. [LoL LCS Highlights KazaGameZ | Via Jessica Nigri on Facebook]
Joss Whedon and Artist Stephen Byrne made a baby, but Joss isn’t aware of it… yet. Too bad this isn’t real, just like the animated version of Firefly! [Stephen Byrne | Like Stephen Byrne on Facebook]
Warning: Language. “2001: A Space Odyssey” retold in 60 seconds of animated silliness. [1A4STUDIO]
A simple and easy to understand explanation on what Antimatter is by the always enlightening Minute Physics Youtube Channel. [Minute Physics]
Duct tape artist extraordinaire Jacob LaRocca created this model of the Firefly-class ship Serenity entirely out of duct tape, and truly, this is a thing of beauty. He had the model on display at the Artisan’s Asylum table at World Maker Faire and has taken step-by-step pictures of the whole creation process in the picture […]
We talk about the Bechdel Test quite a bit here on GAS, and creator Alison Bechdel, a cartoonist and graphic artist, is being recognized in a big way. Bechdel, 54, has been awarded one of 21 fellowships from the MacArthur Foundation, including $625,000 spread out over five years. She’s only the second graphic novelist to be have […]
1- Make up a quote. 2- Add a picture of someone with authority on the subject 3- Watch it spread and laugh hysterically [Reddit Circlejerk | Via]
Robots, the environment and speaking by breathing are among some of the subjects that won teenagers prizes at the latest Google Science Fair. The overall win went to Sophie Healy-Throw, Emer Hicker and Ciara Judge of the Republic of Ireland, who also took the 15-16 age category. After what was described as a gardening project […]