Dorkly Comic: Alcohol Hangovers vs. Gaming Hangovers
A fantastic and all too true comic by Dave Mercier (MercWorks) and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
A fantastic and all too true comic by Dave Mercier (MercWorks) and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly] created this infographic, just in time for Halloween! (And it’s particularly helpful to cosplayers!) [via Geek Girls]
Redditor VaultOfDaedalus writes: So, my pizza looked like the Millennium Falcon upon opening the box. For those who are wondering, yes, these are hot dog sausages embedded in the crust, and apparently, these are available at Domino’s pizza. Om nom nom nom. [Via]
I love those, they always crack me up! Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any that were funnier than that senseless Star Trek lip dub I posted back in 2009. [Bad Lip Reading]
A quick and fun video with a short but meaningful message: be nice to each other! [ADHD]
At least that’s what Alex Winter, a.k.a. Bill S. Preston, Esq., told Yahoo! Movies UK recently. After the Bill & Ted franchise, Winter focused more on directing, but he is excited to reprise his iconic role: “[Bill & Ted] will be 40-something and it’s all about Bill and Ted grown up, or not grown up,” Winter tells […]
For those who are wondering, Billy Batson became Captain Marvel/Shazam when he was 7. [Nebezial (stjepan sejic) on | Via GT]
Photographed at Dragon Con 2014 by Flickr User Hiro Protagonist2004. [Source: Hiro Protagonist2004 | Tardis Fashion | Via FG]
From The Piano Guys: Holy hemiola, Batman! 50 years of music and film all rolled together in front of the cars that have become icons of super hero history. This is one of those projects we’ve wanted to do from the very beginning of The Piano Guys. We love super heroes, the dramatic music that […]
The ultimate cosplay mashup: Stormtrooper klingon ballerinas! [Her Universe | Via FG]