A Handy Dandy Euler Diagram for your TV Watching Experience [Pic]
[Source: Hoof–hearted on Reddit]
[Source: Hoof–hearted on Reddit]
A fun Western cover of the Game of Thrones theme by Youtuber BenDanProductions. [BenDanProductions]
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for Assassinโs Creed Unity to come out (November 11, 2014)! The graphics are absolutely gorgeous, and the storyline, as usual, looks amazing. From Ubisoft: Creative Director Alex Amancio presents you the new customization system and how it impacts the coop missions introduced in Assassinโs Creed Unity. […]
Reddit has raised $50 million in funding. It’s now planning to offer “shares” in the company to users, though exactly how that will work is uncertain. The funding round is designed to raise money for a program of measures to better maintain and establish the site including taking on new staff, targeting mobile devices and […]
Seriously, this is how the robot apocalypse starts, with cute-looking robotic cheerleader dancing around and frying your brain with their pom poms just like Doctor Who’s Oods do. In all seriousness though, this is a promotional video promoting Murata Manufacturing’s new sensors. “Of course they cannot jump like true cheerleaders,” said Koichi Yoshikawa, a Murata […]
Cosplay Boom is an amazing documentary covering the life of various cosplayers, their lives, and how they came to have a passion in creating fabulous costumes. If you like what Cosplay Boom is doing, be sure to subscribe to them on Youtube and support them on Patreon! [Cosplay Boom]
This Iron Man gauntlet by prop maker Patrick Priebe can fire real rockets. The gauntlet features a palm-mounted laster and an actual rocket launcher. Of course, he’s not providing plans to help people build one of themselves, naturally. [AnselmoFanZero | Via IO9]
While at work, Redditor IHunt likes to transform the mermaid on his Starback cups into characters from comic books or movies. Unfortunately, there’s only 4 for now, but these look pretty good! Check ’em out! posted a Reddit thread sharing his/her drawings on Starbucks cups, which are completed during lulls at work. The creative doodler […]
On September 30th, 2014, Microsoft Announced the next OS in the Windows line: Windows 10. Yep, they’re totally skipping Windows 9 since they claim the next operating system will be a huge leap forward technology and feature-wise. The new version will also bring back many features that were left behind in Windows 8 such has […]
I published most of my photos from Montreal Comic Con 2014 earlier this month (Part I | Part II), but in the past few weeks, I received a lot of requests about putting the rest online. So here they are, geeks. If I took your photo on September 13th and it does not appear in […]