Coming Soon, to a Theater Near You [Comic]
[Reddit – bitfiend]
[Reddit – bitfiend]
[Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands | Like Wrong Hands on Facebook]
[Source Business Cat – Happy Jar]
Unlike in the new version of the original trilogy, this Greedo Fabrikations Plush won’t shoot you first, that’s for sure! Get your very own version of Greedo as a figural plush that can stand up! This Star Wars Greedo Fabrikations Plush Figure features the bounty hunter as a plush with a bit of figural structure […]
Just terrible. Comic by Caldwell Tanner for College Humor. [Source: Caldwell Tanner – College Humor]
The story telling of Halo, the scope of World of Warcraft, and the co-operative fun of Borderlands may eventually get patched in, but until then play the worlds hottest 7 out of 10 – Destiny. [Smosh Games]
You might think emoticons a relatively new “Internet” phenomenon, but evidence suggests they date back to the 19th century. [Mashable]
An few theories on the origins of the dollar sign by the always awesome people at Mental Floss. [Mental Floss]
I wouldn’t wear them, mind you, but I still think these are kind of cute. Yub yub! The amazing SW Ewok shoes are custom made to order. You pick the style of shoe, heel height, color, Strap heels, wedges, flats, platforms, ect. This also includes a custom SW comic box to store your awesome shoes […]
50 games, 75 idle animations! Watch part I here. [Master0fHyrule]