This Alien Invasion Prank is Hilariously Evil [Video]
From 0,5er: Alien invasion prank: We teamed up to scare our friend :-) and it worked very well. We used a fog machine and a spotlight to make the best out of our alien costumes. Enjoy! [0,5er]
From 0,5er: Alien invasion prank: We teamed up to scare our friend :-) and it worked very well. We used a fog machine and a spotlight to make the best out of our alien costumes. Enjoy! [0,5er]
I haven’t seen the movie yet, so I can’t comment on the validity of the point being made in the video, but if you’ve watched it, would it have been possible for the heroes to attempt this? [Hishe]
Yep, this is most definitely the pair of Star Wars wedding rings you’ve been looking for! This fantastic pair of rings were designed by Spanish jeweler Juan Hidalgo and are among the most original ring designs I’ve seen! Be sure to check out the second set of rings below! Beautiful, aren’t they? I’m not sure […]
Truer words have never been written. Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Dorkly]
During his pastimes, Instagram user Jaemyc likes to take movie posters and mash them up with reality, creating visuals that are often funny and always interesting. [Source: Jaemyc on Instagram]
A beautiful gender bent Injustice Green Arrow costume, which was made, modeled and photographed by Virginia-based artist and cosplayer DeAnna Davis, also known as “It’s Raining Neon.” [It’s Raining Neon on Facebook | It’s Raining Neon on Deviantart]
This might be fake, but I don’t care, it made me laugh anyway! [Via]
For those attending NYCC this year, there’s a large “Cosplay is not Consent” sign greeting people as they enter the con. The sign says: Please keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture with or of another NYCC fan, always ask first and respect that person’s right to say no. […]
Sitting at a desk all day isn’t the best thing for your health. But an extremely costly gadget to address that problem is a reminder that sometimes it’s possible to over-engineer a solution. The Stir Kinetic desk is based around the idea that maintaining good health while working at a desk isn’t simply a matter […]
Ok, technically this isn’t a cake, and I had no idea what to expect before hitting the play button, but then BOOM, after 20 seconds, my mind was blown. Check it out! [VidzCompilation]