Famous Film Scenes Recreated in LEGO [Video]
A fun brick film featuring various cult movie scenes recreated in LEGO. Enjoy! [Morgspenny Productions | Via Neatorama]
A fun brick film featuring various cult movie scenes recreated in LEGO. Enjoy! [Morgspenny Productions | Via Neatorama]
[Via Dueling Analogs | Reddit]
A Mini TARDIS! That’s so cute! I just started Series 5, so I have a bit of catch up to do, but I can’t wait to reach the episodes with the 12th doctor! [BBC]
Please note that this applies to both genders. Thank you! :) [Source: Hobo on Memecenter | Like Hobo on Facebook | Via]
https://vimeo.com/108792063 Photographer Julian Tryba takes a unique approach to time-lapse videography by creating a video that integrates different layers of time-lapse footage, all happening at different times but at the same location, into a single scene. From Julian Tryba: Traditional time-lapses are constrained by the idea that there is a single universal clock. In the […]
If you think that Peter Jackson’s version of “The Hobbit” is way too long, so here one that is 33,000ish seconds shorter. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
I haven’t heard anything this good from POGO in a long time! From POGO: Psycho Soup is a track I made using sounds from the Borderlands games and original music I created with Sylenth1 in Ableton Live. I spent around 4 weeks extracting sounds from the game files, applying hacks to the game to disable […]
This could quite possibly be one of the most awesome t-shirts of all time… because knowing is half the battle. [Knowing T-Shirt]
Nice idea, but there’s one major flaw flaws with the design: the toilet feature doesn’t really work for ladies or when you need to go for a number 2. But I guess this would be the last of your worries if you’re surrounded by zombies, right? [Source: The Doghouse Diaries | Like The Doghouse Diaries […]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]