Boston Layer-Lapse: A Beautiful “Layered” Time-Lapse Look at Boston [Video] Photographer Julian Tryba takes a unique approach to time-lapse videography by creating a video that integrates different layers of time-lapse footage, all happening at different times but at the same location, into a single scene. From Julian Tryba: Traditional time-lapses are constrained by the idea that there is a single universal clock. In the […]

Psycho Soup: An Awesome Musical “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel” Remix by Pogo [Video]

I haven’t heard anything this good from POGO in a long time! From POGO: Psycho Soup is a track I made using sounds from the Borderlands games and original music I created with Sylenth1 in Ableton Live. I spent around 4 weeks extracting sounds from the game files, applying hacks to the game to disable […]