The TARDIS: Much Smaller on the Outside? [Video]
A Mini TARDIS! That’s so cute! I just started Series 5, so I have a bit of catch up to do, but I can’t wait to reach the episodes with the 12th doctor! [BBC]
A Mini TARDIS! That’s so cute! I just started Series 5, so I have a bit of catch up to do, but I can’t wait to reach the episodes with the 12th doctor! [BBC]
Please note that this applies to both genders. Thank you! :) [Source: Hobo on Memecenter | Like Hobo on Facebook | Via] Photographer Julian Tryba takes a unique approach to time-lapse videography by creating a video that integrates different layers of time-lapse footage, all happening at different times but at the same location, into a single scene. From Julian Tryba: Traditional time-lapses are constrained by the idea that there is a single universal clock. In the […]
If you think that Peter Jackson’s version of “The Hobbit” is way too long, so here one that is 33,000ish seconds shorter. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
I haven’t heard anything this good from POGO in a long time! From POGO: Psycho Soup is a track I made using sounds from the Borderlands games and original music I created with Sylenth1 in Ableton Live. I spent around 4 weeks extracting sounds from the game files, applying hacks to the game to disable […]
This could quite possibly be one of the most awesome t-shirts of all time… because knowing is half the battle. [Knowing T-Shirt]
Nice idea, but there’s one major flaw flaws with the design: the toilet feature doesn’t really work for ladies or when you need to go for a number 2. But I guess this would be the last of your worries if you’re surrounded by zombies, right? [Source: The Doghouse Diaries | Like The Doghouse Diaries […]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook]
Have you ever wondered why Americans dropped the “u” from British words like “humour” and “behaviour”? And what about “theater” vs. “theatre” or “center vs. “centre?” Watch this enlightening episode of Anglophenia to find out! Siobhan Thompson explains the spelling divide between our nations. [Anglophenia]
If comic creators could see their characters now, a comic by Tony Wilson from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]