Alienware Brings Desktop Graphic Cards To Laptops

Dell’s gaming division has launched a plug-in accessory for bringing desktop-style graphics power to a laptop. But between the cost and the bulk, it’s not exactly a convenient option. The Alienware Graphics Amplifier works along the same lines as an external hard drive caddy. It’s a box that includes a PCI Express slot for adding […]

OneRepublic’s Counting Stars Parody Features Disney Villains [Video]

A parody of OneRepublic’s Counting Stars featuring evil Disney Villains by the Oh My Disney Youtube Channel. Disney Villain-loving teens ask themselves: is Scar the most evil Disney Villain? Watch their version of “Counting Scars,” inspired by OneRepublic’s “Counting Stars.” [Oh My Disney]

Historic London Hotel Offers “Harry Potter” Rooms, Tour Package [PICS]

A historic London hotel has replicated some of the rooms at Hogwarts, offering guests a “Harry Potter” experience. The Georgian House Hotel is over 160 years old and sits near Victoria Station. In addition to the rooms, they also have a full “wizarding experience,” which includes “a tour of central landmarks from the films and […]