WHO YOU GONNA CALL? This Fun Electro-Remix of the Ghostbusters Movie Will Get You Grooving! [Music Video]

DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS! Itโ€™s Halloween and itโ€™s been 30 years since Ghostbusters was released so Eclectic Method is hitting two bats with one pumpkin with this Ghostbusters remix. Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroydโ€™s classic gets the rewindโ€ฆ..streams are crossed, Zuul prepares us for the coming of Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow man appears […]

Student’s Jewelry Transforms Veins Into a Power Source [VIDEO + PICS]

WARNING: The photos & video featured are not for the faint of heart. Graduate student Naomi Kizhner has created “speculative” jewelry that uses a person’s veins as an electrical power source. Since the jewelry has to be embedded in someone’s skin, Kizhner created the project to demonstrate just how far we will go to “‘feed’ […]

Stormscapes 2: Amazing Time-Lapse Footage of Forming Storms [Video]

From Nicolaus Wegner: High plains storms are some of the most beautiful and wild in the world. I spent May – September 2014 photographing all types of severe weather in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado. This time lapse project is a result of that effort. From rainbows to tornadoes, there is a little […]

The Internet Is Awesome: A “Live” Performance/Music Video by Pomplamoose

The Internet is awesome for at least 4 billion reasons, but I’ll let Pomplamoose do the job for me since her voice is far prettier than mine. From Pomplamoose: This is a live performance using a Launchpad, Impulse midi controller, and Ableton Live. Filmed in one take, start to finish. No overdubbing or lip syncing! […]

The Corgi Avengers: There Should Be No Leashes on Us!

Avengers Assemble! Photographer: Mylene Aslarona (Top photo only) Photographer #2: Omelette’s dad Cosplayers: Captain America – Omelette (tumblr: http://omelettethecorgi.tumblr.com/) Thor – Bebop (tumblr: http://bebopthecorgi.tumblr.com/) Iron Man – Barley (tumblr: http://sanderscorgis.tumblr.com/) Hulk – Twinkie Black Widow – Lucy Nick Fury – Omelette’s mom