Peter Capaldi (As Twelfth) Sends Heartwarming Message to 9-Year-Old Autistic Boy [Video]

Thank you Doctor, you might love humanity a little more than what most see in you now that you’ve regenerated once again. From Ross Goodall: A lovely message from Peter Capaldi to my 9 year old autistic son. This arrived just before Thomas’ nanny’s funeral and helped him to deal with his grief in a […]

OMG: Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread Now Available

Go home Nutella. This is the new king, and apparently, it tastes and smells just like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Also, according to Reese’s Facebook page, the product is now available in stores. I’ve compared the nutritional value of the product with regular Kraft peanut butter, and while the spread has less fat per tbsp. […]