Obama Calls For Net Neutrality Rules

President Barack Obama has given his clearest backing yet to net neutrality principles. He’s urged the Federal Communications Commission to not just tighten its rules, but make a key change to its rulemaking process. The White House has released both a written and video statement from Obama commenting on the ongoing call for public feedback […]

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Has a Love-Hate Relationship With Interstellar. Here’s Why!

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson reviewed Interstellar via a large number of tweets yesterday. Here’s why the man loved and hated the movie. He also reviewed Gravity a few months ago in a similar manner. Warning: If you haven’t seen Interstellar, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. In #Interstellar: All leading characters, including McConaughey, Hathaway, Chastain, & Caine play […]