When Teleportation Goes Wrong: Undelivered Package [Short Sci-Fi Film]

A proof of concept trailer for what is possibly an upcoming short film by independent director Julen Santiago, who also worked on movies such as Rio, Ice Age, Epic, and Despicable Me. In the near future, a company has discovered human teleportation. The world is a better place now. But the technology has a glitch. […]

Watch ESA’s Philae Probe Land on a Comet LIVE Right Here!

Did you know that ESA’s Philae lander has detached itself from the Rosetta satellite just a few hours ago (09:35 CET) and is currently in the process of landing on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk? You can watch the event live above! If everything goes according to plan, the probe should land on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk at around 11:02 EST […]

The Science of Interstellar: Building a Scientifically Accurate Black Hole [Video]

Since Christopher Nolan wanted to show a scientifically accurate black hole to the audience of Interstellar, he hired theoretical physicist Kip Thorne to transform his vision into reality. I’m going to see the movie tonight, and even though some people say that Interstellar features a lot of plot holes, I don’t really care, I absolutely […]